Important announcement about your My Opera account

To summarize, what do we suggest you do now?

  1. First of all, grab a copy of all your stuff. Use our download tool to backup your blog posts and photos.
  2. Investigate your options. There are many great services out there. Perhaps you want to bring some of your friends along to a new place? Let them know where you want to go. Maybe you can write a blog post about it?
  3. When you’re ready for the switch, sign up for a new social network. We’ve provided some links here. You might know of some more good sites. Feel free to comment here and let us know.
  4. If you’re one of our email users, sign up for a new email service and set up an autoreply in My Opera to let your contacts know about your new address.
  5. Then, forward your email to your new email address.
  6. If you have a blog, make your readers aware of the switch. You could write a post with a link to your new blog and make it sticky so it stays prominently at the top of the page.

To summarize, what do we suggest you do now?

  1. First of all, grab a copy of all your stuff. Use our download tool to backup your blog posts and photos.
  2. Investigate your options. There are many great services out there. Perhaps you want to bring some of your friends along to a new place? Let them know where you want to go. Maybe you can write a blog post about it?
  3. When you’re ready for the switch, sign up for a new social network. We’ve provided some links here. You might know of some more good sites. Feel free to comment here and let us know.
  4. If you’re one of our email users, sign up for a new email service and set up an autoreply in My Opera to let your contacts know about your new address.
  5. Then, forward your email to your new email address.
  6. If you have a blog, make your readers aware of the switch. You could write a post with a link to your new blog and make it sticky so it stays prominently at the top of the page.


To tell you the truth,你们的推荐实在是太没有诚意了。我们来看一下我目前最关心的部分:Which blogging platform should I use?


What did you expect.




虽然五年前被墙过一阵子,不过都这个时候了要求不能太高。而且似乎现在不少混欧美圈的人都靠它看同人。注册了一下感觉还不错,唯一可惜的就是有一个叫做Leaves的特别好看的模板,收费3000 LJ Token=30美刀。



时间 目标 解锁成就 装备
2007 百度空间模板 一战css  
2008 某湾家知名人士的私博无名小站 一战GFW 在线代理网站
2010 fc2模板&EDC网站 一战html 记事本
2010 日剧特典 字幕 Aegisub&Popsub
2011 日方公式站 审查元素&缓存 万能的Opera浏览器(Presto)
2011 日剧special 一战avs  
2011 游戏补丁 一战maya  
2011 clubbox 一战IP墙 173vpn
2012 NTVooyala 屏幕录像 BlueBerry
2012 NTVooyala 二战IP墙 OpenVPN
2012 网游私服 三战IP墙  
2012 VG avs压制 MeGUI
2012 BNW发布 二战html Dreamweaver
2013 移动合约机 安卓刷机  
2013 My Opera 二战css  
2013 作业 视频编辑 绘声绘影
2013 作业 三战html Dreamweaver
2013 Presto内核 脚本的使用  
2013 ts原档 分离字幕流  
2013 DOS游戏 实况 bandicam
2013 日方rtmp视频流 视频下载的终极 Replay Media Catcher
2013 渣浪 flv封装后黑 MeGUI&ffmpeg&flvbugger
2013 博客 wordpress搭建&三战css BAE

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